Handmade BJD goods from Europe with love ♡
Handmade BJD goods from Europe with love!
work hard play harder!
Been living in this world long enough to know this and that about those few things I really care for. I’ll gladly share this knowledge with everybody who’s eager to accept it in exchange for their own experience. It’s good to read something sometimes and it’s even better to write sometimes something, so i dare to hope for some interactions, although i don’t expect any. Come to think of it, i might surprise you with an unexpected guest from time to time, dig into some flameable subject we all hate but must talk about and share few secrets you don’t wanna know, heHEhe… Sounds like fun? In case it doesn’t, i will also hide some juicy coupon codes for my shop here and there, for a little treasure hunting 😉
One thing i know for sure – i want you to meet my dolls. i always feel like i’m not showing them often and well enough, so i’m gonna smuggle them in here whenever i find a free spot in between words – LoL – especially boys as they never get proper attention since i craft for girls mostly.But would i ever dare to start such a crazy endeavour like designing my own website from a scratch by myself, without my beloved Hush watching over the blueprints…? I think i wouldn’t…
Something tells me (and it might be hush), that “A-Z” in the title stands for the series of loose articles on dolls in general but also holding insightful stories that might melt your heart. Yup. Think we’re heading for something like that. Are you with me? You’d better be, ’cause I won’t make it alone. See, being a loner by nature, in the course of the years I kinda understood the necessity of other people in one’s life. it’s such a cliche to say that we need each other, but that’s so f*** damn true! I don’t even dare to go as far as “teamwork makes the dream work” since the only team i’ve ever had and worked with are my two bare hands (LoL), but you know what i mean. With those two bare, blistered hands i desperately hold on to what i believe in and don’t let go…
I guess this blog may be also great occassion (or even excuse) to get to know each other better. Online shopping is cool and it’s great to shop doll clothes together, but to get to the living person behind the keyboard is a totally different thing. So i’m gonna be a litlle bit more Me in here. Letting myself behave in a manner i can’t really allow once i’m in the store, serving you as my customers.’cause the customer deserves best, they say. And i’m not always 100% angel 😛
It’s just that… I can see many people disapearing from this hobby due to the second year of pandemic. And it breaks my heart to find more and more gaps in our tiny world. I’m also kinda scared. I don’t wanna become one of those blank spaces on the map of creativeness. Do you… ???
If you came this far and happen to be readng these words, maybe you’d be interested in telling me, what would you want to read about? what does your casted in resin heart crave for? Is there Any subject you want me to bring on in this blog? any burning BJD issues? Or maybe you’d rather me just go with the flow and write down whatever my imagination inspires me with? Let’s not be shy – there are many A-Z letters to be filled with words – just contact me to let me know and i’ll surely look into it ♡_♡